L’Europe à 28 a dépensé 29.1% de son PIB total en protection sociale en 2011. C’est légèrement moins qu’en 2010 (29.4%) et 2009 (29.7%).
Toutefois ces dépenses présentent une forte disparité si l’on se place à l’échelle des pays :
The EU28 average continued to mask major disparities between Member States. Social protection expenditure as a percentage of GDP was 30% or more in 2011 in Denmark (34.3%), France (33.6%), the Netherlands (32.3%), Belgium (30.4%), Greece (30.2%) and Finland (30.0%), and below 20% in Latvia (15.1%), Estonia (16.1%), Romania (16.3%), Lithuania (17.0%), Bulgaria (17.7%), Slovakia (18.2%), Malta (18.9%) and Poland (19.2%). These disparities reflect differences in living standards, but are also indicative of the diversity of national social protection systems and of the demographic, economic, social and institutional structures specific to each Member State.
Source : Eurostat, Novembre 2013
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